Sunday, July 09, 2006
We are back
We had a great vacation and are back to normal this week. I'll write more soon about how much fun Haleigh had.

Here are some still shots from the video I took in the hot tub. She really loved getting in the "wah-der" and sitting on her little step. She wouldn't go much farther in; she preferred to sit on her "chair" as she called it. I like taking shots from video because it really captures her personality. She doesn't have to sit and smile for the camera and she can just be herself. And I don't end up with 100 so-so photos, just lots of video to edit!


Blogger hollibobolli said...

So so so so soooooooooooooo cute!! She is really developing such a cute little personality that shines through in all these pics. She really brightens my day every time I come to see her smiling face.


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